Portugal Mortgage Finder is a company headed up by Justin Whitelock who spent many years in the Spanish market place before making the move to Portugal. Starting out he managed what became largest broker on the Algarve for just over two years before setting up business for himself.
Below you will find some outlined information on Portuguese mortgages, the dos and donts when it comes to looking for a property and acquiring the services of a mortgage broker.
The Portuguese mortgage market is quite condensed in terms of product and options when it comes to acquisition mortgages for that first holiday home or the overseas investment youve been dreaming about over the past few years. Only a hand full of banks have a worthy product range when it comes to a non residents needs in comparison with the UK, that said each bank has different requirements in terms of what they want from the client with regards meeting the criteria of there own risk assessment dept. This is why the use of an experienced mortgage broker can be vital in getting the mortgage approval needed with the terms and conditions required. Portugal Mortgage Finder not only has the experience but also ultimate confidence in finding its client the right product and meeting there financial needs. So much so there is no upfront broker fee, no approval fee or any other fee for that matter associated with them helping you set and arrange the mortgage you require. They do receive a payment of course, but this comes directly from the bank and only after the mortgage is signed. So if youre not happy with what you have been offered simply look elsewhere without feeling trapped.
First point to address is anyone thinking of buying a property should first seek the assistance of an experienced mortgage broker. Understanding what your options are in terms of lending, along with the type of documents required and level of income expected to achieve the property purchase in mind is paramount to the success of turning your dream into a reality. In the current market even people with the cash to make an outright purchase should look at obtaining mortgage advice. With the weak pound and the very low interest rates offered at present, making use of a Euro mortgage now and having the flexibility of repaying the loan back when the pounds strengthens might be a much better options than waiting to purchase until this happens as more than likely the property price will reflect this.
The advice to people thinking about buying property is do your homework, set yourself a realistic budget. Once you have the kind of property and price in mind then make sure you get some credible mortgage advice. Looking at property before you are absolutely sure about what you can afford or what your income level will allow you to afford can be both a cruel and costly mistake. Having the mortgage amount in place or at least the knowledge of what you could borrow can be vital when making that purchase decision.
To find out more information or to sign up for the monthly news letter giving helpful information to buyers and owners alike got to Portugal-Mortgage.com
Remember, if a company wants to charge you a fee before doing any work then the outcome will more than likely be you being unhappy but as you have already paid you feel trapped to move elsewhere